Many knights from Council 4057 supported the St. Patrick School's annual charity gold tournament. A great time was had by all.
Council 4057's officers were installed by District Deputy Jim Markley on Sept. 12. Also in attendance was council Chaplain, Fr. Don Bender.
The teachers at St. Pat's school need our help at their upcoming golf outing on Sept. 13, 2019. They are looking for 3 volunteers from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM to help set up, check golfers in, and direct people as to where to go. They only need help on the front end of the event. We have 3 groups of Knights playing in this outing. Let's continue our support for the school. This is one of their major fund raisers for the year. Please contact me if you can give a couple of hours. Vivat Jesus Dave DeFour Financial Secretary ![]() Worthy Brother Knights, Please join us on our NEW night this Thursday September 12 at 7PM. Please allow enough time for an immediate kick off please. There will be an installation of officers at about 7:30 or immediately after business (20 minute goal). Please hang around to socialize thereafter. All in attendance (hope it is more as Tuesday competed with Ministry support) will receive a special prize! Lifeteen Room in the PAC. Please see attached Program Tracker. Brother John Wargins if you would present on Thursday night please. Worthy DGK please assist as need. For those in the program positions try to seek a co-lead….train your future relief. Quite a few of these I have taken lead on but always happy to have someone step up. Committees to be formed/actioned: 1. Membership and Retention: Need to push forward with ideas on engagement of our member base and new member thoughts. TBD soon! 2. Knights on Bikes Car and Motorcycle show planning for this spring (Brother Bob, Dave DeFour, and Ed Rios) 3. Lenten fish dinner…need to form a committee and plan 3 dinners and “to-go” meals and logistics, who can help me? 4. Coats for Kids: Need to begin planning for successful kick off and order (Brother Chip) 5. KofC Family Picnic…lead and logistics. See you Thursday at 7 in the Lifeteen room! Soccer Shootout has been moved to September 20 due to Golf Outing…District is September 22! Coordinating with DD and will need volunteers on Friday the 20th 4-7pm and 22nd 1-3PM Sunday PLEASE! Join us in our Faith in Action programs and look over the attached to see where you would like to expand your Charity Faith contribution...Tempus Fugit Momento Mori! We need all our Knights and whatever you can give. Also join us for TMIY on Saturdays at 6am for more blessing and faith. All for Jesus! Vivat Jesus, Chuck Bailey Grand Knight Council 4057 Worthy Brothers,
Thank you for the tremendous support to the Council in responding for the sub sale!!! Sold out and great success. Thank you Worthy Brother Tony DeSorbo for taking the lead while brothers Kevin Dowling and Dave DeFour were out of town. Thank you brothers all for covering the following masses to make this a success: 5:15 Saturday - Bill Schlak, Chris Kukay, Tony DeSorbo, and Dave Nankee 8:00 Sunday - Doug Henschel, Richard Metzgar, and George Pollin 9:00 Sunday - Gail and Jim McGarry, Bill Sutliff, Joe Kallhoff, Mark Ritchie, and Dave Keller 11:00 Sunday - Tim Ryan, Jon Kahle, John Balas, and Dave Keller 5:00 Sunday - John Wargins, Jake Morano, Bill Kallhoff Fraternally, Chuck Bailey GK 4057 |
Council 4057Follow the Carlisle Knights of Columbus as they serve St. Patrick's Church and the Carlisle community. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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