A big thank you to our Brother and Sir Knight Chip Steinberger who for the second year led #4057's COATS FOR KIDS program. The schools are MOST APPRECIATIVE of this effort as the coats are needed so very much.
Coats were delivered to Hamilton and Mount Holley Elementary Schools, and WG Rice Middle School. 1.5 HOURs donated to make a difference in so many lives. Thank you to those who were able to join: Worthy Brothers Tony DeSorbo, Dave DeFour, Tom Kruegler, and Jack Connolly. Thank you for representing the Council that Rocks!
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KofC 4057 set up a candy distribution station as part of St. Patrick Church's Trick or Treat Drive though. Brother Adam Fabbri headed up a team of knights with a safari theme, including a special appearance of Joe Exotic.
Worthy Brothers!
We continue to have about 25-30 Knights fully engaged in activities and have been able to provide Charity in the furthering of our Faith and Fellowship and Brotherhood. What would cause you to want to participate as you have time? What program or interest do you have that would allow your minimal participation that you would like to see? We all joined the Knights for something. Hopefully to surround ourselves with other men that make us better versions of ourselves and to support our Parish Family and our Families better. A big THANK YOU! to Worthy Brothers Carmine Cicalese and Michael Schwartz for stepping up to support the Parish Pork Dinners! Thank you for your time and talent! Worthy SK and Brother Chip Steinberger is Leading the Coats for Kids. If you would like to participate please let me know. Because it is elementary school related it is during the work week and time, it may be difficult but is a super worth while charitable cause that is greatly appreciated as it was last year...so if you have time the following is from Brother Chip: "We are on schedule to deliver coats to the listed schools on Tuesday 27 October starting around noon at Hamilton(POC Hillary Carter-Mann) then to WG Rice(POC Erin Rech) and finally at Mount Holly Elementary(POC Mollie Davis). As indicated we can sort the coats around 1100 or if preferable anytime between now and the 27th. We will be wearing our Council Shirts please. At this point my only concern is the boxes which the coats were shipped, aren’t in the best condition and in case of rain, we may need to haul the boxes in suitable vehicles. I plan to bring scissors, tape and a marker, please let me know if you have question or concerns. Please forward to others, many thanks. Vivat Jesus SK Chip" Additionally the Knights of Columbus Council 4057 will support the St. Patrick Church "Trick or Treat" drive through, led by Worthy Brother Adam Fabbri. Let me know if you are interested. Knights are doing a Safari/Animal Theme...details from Heidi Lynch if you wish to help out: "Good morning, thank you for agreeing to host a “stop” on the Trick or Treat Drive Thru on Friday, October 30. It’s two weeks from Friday! Currently, there are 7 groups representing the church, they are: The Knights of Columbus, That Man is You, Walking With Purpose, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Life Teen/Edge, Parish Council and the Carlisle Area Family Life Center. I haven’t gotten an exact number from the PATS at the school yet, but I am assuming that they have around 6 or 7 as well. Here are a few things that you need to know: 1. Masks and social distancing required during the event. 2. The Trick or Treating will take place in the PAC parking lot, everyone will stay in their cars and be directed where to go. 3. Please park your personal vehicle in the school parking lot. (You can use your car to drop off supplies, then you will need to move it over to the school lot by 5:30pm.) 4. Set up is available to start at 4:00pm. (I will send you an email with a map of your location before the event.) 5. For safety reasons, please stay in the PAC lot until 8:00pm or until all of the people that are in line by 8:00pm have gone through. 6. Candy will be provided, someone will deliver it to your stop before 5:30pm. 7. Please wear disposable gloves when giving out candy (we will provide) and drop the candy into their bag or bucket, do not let them reach in." Fraternally yours, Chuck Bailey GK 4057 Saint Patrick's School conducted their annual Golf Tournament fundraiser on September 11, 2020 at the Carlisle Barrick's Golf Course. Over 100 golfers were in attendance practicing social distancing, and having a great time at this charity event. Council 4057 was well represented by over a dozen golfers. The Council, and Steve Hutek's K of C Insurance were Celtic Sponsors for the event. The Council sponsored team consisted of Past State Deputy, Mark Jago, Rob Amaral, Doug Henschel, and Dave DeFour. The event was a great success in providing additional funding for the school.
Council 4057Follow the Carlisle Knights of Columbus as they serve St. Patrick's Church and the Carlisle community. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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