Council 4057 will be selling sub sandwiches this weekend after all masses. Buy subs for your Super Bowl party!
Please contact Kevin Dowling if you can volunteer for the sale.
Please reference our website calendar for a snapshot of how active council 4057 is! Due to a recent upgrade of the website code, the calendar will now display properly on mobile devices. As a Google calendar, it can also be added to whatever calendar app you use on your phone. Please contact webmaster, David O'Donnell, for an invitation to add the google calendar on your own device. Love is in the air! We spend a lot of time thinking about our loved ones during the month of February and especially around Valentine’s Day. Technically, it’s St. Valentine’s Day, originally the feast day of a Roman saint from the third century. There is much speculation about the origins of the feast and even some discussion about the identity of the saint. We do know that this St. Valentine was martyred on February 14, 269 and the feast day was instituted by Pope Gelasius I in 496. But how did St. Valentine, a martyr, come to be associated with love and romance? Again, there is much speculation and one popular story is that he cured the blind daughter of his jailer. Before he was led off to his death, he wrote her a note and signed it “Your Valentine.” Unlike St. Valentine, most of us are not called to martyrdom, but we do think about our loved ones…and we write love notes and greeting cards. Gifts are commonly given to the ones we love. But have you ever considered some special gifts for the ones you love? That’s really what insurance is all about. People buy insurance because they love someone. I bought life insurance because I love my wife and children. If I’m not here to provide for them I want to make sure they can stay in the same home we love; I want to make sure that my children will have the college education they will need; I want my family to continue to live the lifestyle I’ve been so fortunate to be able to provide. My policy even has living benefits that I can enjoy! I want to make sure that if I am sick or hurt and can’t work, my family still has money coming in to pay the bills. Disability Income Insurance helps provide for that. I’ve been able to provide a lifestyle for my family, but sometime down the road, I’ll take the assets I’ve accumulated and retire. Long Term Care Insurance helps me protect those assets in case I have an extended care event. I won’t have to spend down all that I’ve saved to pay for care…I’ve shifted that risk to the Knights. My retirement annuities will help my wife and me enjoy our golden years. With a lifetime minimum interest rate guarantee I know I’ll always be in the black with my account. All the products we have available are centered around protection; protection for me, for my family and for what I’ve been able save. Is your protection where you want it to be for your loved ones? At this Valentine’s Day, let’s sit down; you, me and your wife and see where you stand. Make sure you have insured your love. Go ahead and buy that greeting card, write her a love note…maybe even get a beautiful arrangement of flowers or a dozen roses. But remember, the gift of protection will be there when it’s needed most. Vivat Jesus! Paul Brotzen Fraternal Benefits Advisor [email protected] Worthy Brother Knights, Business meeting will start promptly please at 7PM in the Lifeteen Room. Please arrive a little earlier so we may kick off on time as a 1-3rd Degree Exemplification will begin. Projected start for the degree is 7:45. Once the meeting is closed we will begin and any new member of no degree or 1-2 will be degreed into full Knighthood! New members coat and tie please if possible and if you plan to increase to full Knighthood if you have not let me know in advance please. All spouses are welcome to attend the degree ceremony. For the business meeting: 1. Minutes: Meeting minutes are available via email and from GK upon request 2. Budget: Budget is available via email and from GK upon request. 3. Motions: A motion form is attached. Going forward for New Business Motions, Resolutions, or Bills please do not bring up uncoordinated business. Please if you have a motion you would like the council to consider then first prints this out, fill out the request, and send to the Financial Secretary Brother Dave DeFour, the Treasurer Brother Steve Sobotta, and me Grand Knight Chuck Bailey so that we may identify the line item if budgeted or make a determination if un-budgeted. The long poles in the business meeting have been minutes and financial and to better serve the council this will speed up our process and make it more efficient and beneficial to our brothers present. Please figure the amount you wish the council to consider and a fully staffed out plan for the motion. The council floor should not develop into a 20-30 minute good idea opportunity unless of course it is emergent and unplanned. If the item requires immense consideration and discussion then it should be broken out into a committee to report back on the recommendation. 4. New Business. Again not the place start a 20-30 minute discussion unless there is a worthy cause that has been sent in advance for no surprises and well thought out, presented, and staffed for consideration of support. Thank you in advance for your ideas and motions to better provide charity and support but let’s all tighten them up into actionable and planned activity and consideration. Planning for dinners, breakfasts, events, etc. can be done with a calling together of the Council Officers to assist in the process either by email or in person in our chambers for discernment. Thank you. Remaining events for the month: Clairemont Nursing Home Bingo Tuesday January 21st, 7-8PM See Brother Jon Kahle Business Meeting & 1-3 Degree Ceremony January 23rd 7-830 PM Marsh Drive March For Life Bus Trip Friday January 24th 6:30am-5:30 PM see Bulletin See Brother Dr. Steve Phillips That Man is You (TMIY) in the Worrell Social Hall Saturday’s 6am 25 January. See Brother John Wargins District Free Throw Championship, January 26th Warrell Gym 2PM See Brother Mike Schwartz Rosary and Novena for Life/Vocations KofC support to Tuesday night weekly rosary 7PM Shrine Church with Henry Treffinger We support Tuesday January 28th as a Council Dinner with the Priests! January 30, Marcellos Restaurant 6:30 PM See Brother Jake Morano February 1-2 Sub Sales & Super bowl weekend!!! See Brother Kevin Dowling For more details visit our webpage and calendar at: If you have not done a Christ Renews His Parish weekend please consider for you spiritual journey. I hesitated to go but so glad I did as it was an amazing weekend in my spiritual journey. KOFC, TMIY, CHRP give us all exposures to Men of Great Faith that I choose to surround myself with to make me a better version of myself. Please join us in the small Trinity of Men of Faith on our journeys as Brothers in Christ and friendship. See Brother David DeFour. Finally if you are a Patriotic, believe in our Faith, Constitution, and Country and wish the title of Sir Knight with the benefit of funeral Color Corps. representation please join. Like everything else in the Knights there is no commitment of Uniform or Sword unless you find it in your calling and heart. Be a part of our Assembly and wear the title Sir Knight proudly with an amazing ceremony and capstone to our Fraternal Order. See me or contact me if you wish to join our St. Martin’s Assembly. Fraternally yours & Vivat Jesus, Chuck GK 4057 "We Rock!" Worthy Brother Knights,
This Thursday, January 9 at 7PM the Business Meeting will now be a Social Meeting and will take place in the Warrell Social Hall from 7-9PM. Our State Deputy, Worthy Brother Jago will present not only the Star Council Award which you earned but also will present the New Charity/Unity/Fraternity video that upon viewing will become Fully Knighted in the 3rd Degree. If you are an e-member or 1st/2nd Degree please come on Thursday to be fully Knighted. Not only will the council members and spouses be able to view the new exemplification, but any prospective members and current First or Second Degree Members present would become fully qualified 3rd Degree Members. Spouses are encouraged to attend. This is truly an opportunity to become fully vested in our Fraternity regardless of the time you are able to commit to charitable events based on your home-life-work situation. If you would like to bring a snack to share, it would be much appreciated. Beverages will be provided. Please try to make yourself available if not for any other meeting or event but this event. The Business meeting will take place on the 23rd of January in the LifeTeen Room of the PAC. It will be at 7PM and followed by a degree or practice of the degree if there is no one to give a 1st degree to. Vivat Jesus, Chuck Bailey GK 4057 |
Council 4057Follow the Carlisle Knights of Columbus as they serve St. Patrick's Church and the Carlisle community. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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