Worthy Brothers all,
Happy feast of St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori: For thirteen years Alphonsus fed the poor, instructed families, reorganized the seminary and religious houses, taught theology, and wrote. His austerities were rigorous, and he suffered daily the pain from rheumatism that was beginning to deform his body. He spent several years having to drink from tubes because his head was so bent forward. An attack of rheumatic fever, from May 1768 to June 1769, left him paralyzed. He was not allowed to resign his see, however, until 1775. In 1780, Alphonsus was tricked into signing a submission for royal approval of his congregation. This submission altered the original rule, and as a result Alphonsus was denied any authority among the Redemptorists. Deposed and excluded from his own congregation, Alphonsus suffered great anguish. But he overcame his depression, and he experienced visions, performed miracles, and gave prophecies. He died peacefully on August 1,1787, at Nocera di Pagani, near Naples as the Angelus was ringing. He was beatified in 1816 and canonized in 1839. In 1871, Alphonsus was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX. His writings on moral, theological, and ascetic matters had great impact and have survived through the years, especially his Moral Theology and his Glories of Mary. He was buried at the monastery of the Pagani near Naples. Shrines were built there and at St. Agatha of the Goths. He is the patron of confessors, moral theologians, and the lay apostolate. In liturgical art he is depicted as bent over with rheumatism or as a young priest. Council 4057 Calendar Events for the Month of August: Tuesday August 6: Claremont Nursing Home Bingo! Let's get together (7:00) and share the love! This will be Brother Clark Steitler's last bingo before entering the seminary on Aug. 11th!. Contract Brother Jon Kahle for more information or to help out. Claremont Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 1000 Claremont Road Carlisle, PA 17013. Wednesday August 7: There will be Welcome Expo at the Carlisle Barracks for new students at the US Army War College from 9-1PM. Brother David O’Donnell plans to be there and I will be out of town. Any brothers that can join please let me or David know as this is a great event for recruitment to our blessed fraternity of Catholic Gentlemen. Sunday August 11: “The Knights of Columbus St. Patrick Council 4057 asks all Knights and Parishioners and their families to join them at the 9 o'clock mass on 11 August 2019 to Celebrate our Patron Fr. Michael McGivney. The month of August is a special time for our Order. On August 12th we remember the 167th Birthday of our Founder, the Venerable Servant of God Father Michael J. McGivney. Two days later (August 14) , we remember the 129th Anniversary of his death. We will distribute Fr. McGivney Prayer cards and applications to the Fr. McGivney Guild and pray for his canonization. There will be a Donut Social Hosted by the KOFC in the Warrell Social Hall following mass. “ Knights are encouraged to wear their Council KofC Polo or Coat and tie (your choice). Tuesday August 13: Council 4057 Business Meeting 7-8PM (Please note the time change as one half hour earlier) in the Scout Room of the PAC. This will be for August only please. NOTE: In September we will have the Business Meeting on the second Thursday of each month in the Lifeteen Room at 7PM. This change should allow for our Brothers that attend and serve in other meetings to make the new Day and Time. Saturday August 17: Project Share distribution Council 4057 from 8:30am – 11:00am. Address: 5 N Orange St, Carlisle, PA 17013. Tuesday August 27: Knights and Their Families are encouraged to attend our Council Social at the Shrine Church at 7PM. We will pray the Rosary and Novena in before the blessed sacrament as arranged every Tuesday by Henry Treffinger. Following the Rosary/Novena we will gather in the Catacombs quietly (as there is adoration going) for refreshments, fraternity, and family. I encourage all Knights to please review our website as the calendar will be updated to reflect all events. The link: kofc4057.org Please pass the word. I am still not sure that all COMCAST customers are receiving these and tracking that down. St Pats Council 4057 ROCKS!!! Vivat Jesus, Chuck Bailey Grand Knight St. Patrick Council 4057
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Council 4057Follow the Carlisle Knights of Columbus as they serve St. Patrick's Church and the Carlisle community. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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