Faith in Action ProgramsBrother Knights please take a look at the list of opportunities our council provides in which you can make a meaningful difference at home and in our communities. There are four programs categories: FAITH, FAMILY, COMMUNITY, and LIFE. If you would like more information or get involved, please contact our Program Director : Charles R. Bailey Faith: Programs in this category are designed to draw us closer to God and the Church. 1.Seminarian Spaghetti 2.Marian Icon Prayer Program 3.Building the Domestic Church Kiosk 4.Rosary Program 5.*Spiritual Reflection Program (new) 6.Sacramental Gifts Family: These programs are for families by families. 1.Food for Families 2.Family of the Month/Year 3.Keep Christ in Christmas/ Breakfast with St. Nick 4.*Consecration to the Holy Family 5.Good Friday Family Promotion Community: We as Knights are called to serve others with charity for family and communities. 1.Free Throw Championship 2.Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest 3.Soccer Challenge 4.*Helping Hands **(Easter Egg Hunt 4/20/19) Life: Programs that help defend and support life. 1.March for Life & Pro-Life Breakfast 2.Mass for People with Special Needs 3.Pregnancy Support Center 4.*Novena for Life (new) “Heavenly Hoagies”
We also have sub-sales and other periodic fund raisers and support to St. Patrick's
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Council 4057Follow the Carlisle Knights of Columbus as they serve St. Patrick's Church and the Carlisle community. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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