Webmaster's note: This message was originally sent on March 3, 2019 Dear Brother Knights,
On the Feast of St. Katherine Drexel. They say that when March comes in like a lion it leaves like a lamb. Well we have certainly started this month like a lion. On March first Brother John Kahle and his Bingo team did an excellent job with the Bingo for Babies, I know that the Carlisle Area Family Life Clinic greatly appreciated all the hard work and effort. On Saturday March second, Brother Mike Schwartz and Brother Ed Rios with all the basketball volunteers put on a well run Regional Basketball Free Throw competition. A special thanks goes out to Brother Kevin Dowling and Brother Gary Folsic who put together and ran the concession stand, they sold over 60 “Heavenly Hoagies”, chips and water. Today was our second “Heavenly Hoagie” sale of the year. On Tuesday March 5th, there will be two events happening first the Round Table at Carlisle Barracks will be having their annual Pancake dinner, they will be serving from 5-7pm ( clean up from 7-8pm they could always use help in the clean up department. Let brother TJ Moffit know if you can help. Also on Tuesday night March 5th we will be hosting an Admission degree in the PAC starting at 7:30 pm. (Degree team please report at 6:30) we have several candidates that will join our order if you can be there to show your support we would greatly appreciate it. Then on Sunday March 10th we will be hosting a Knighthood (3rd degree), we have several Brothers who will be making their third degree on this day. Please come and support you Brothers. WE are also in need of 5-6 Brothers for non-speaking roles if you are able to help please let Brother Chuck Bailey know. Of course the most important thing this month is we start the joyous season of Lent, were we anxiously prepare to celebrate the Great Easter Triduum. This year our Parish is using the theme of The Holy Family to guide us on our Lenten Journey. A special thanks to Brother John Wargins who worked with Father Moran to develop this theme based on the Knights of Columbus “Dedication to the Holy Family” program. Brother John will be the first speaker at the Soup and Scripture talks on Friday March 8th at 12:00 (noon) in the PAC, if you can make it come out and support Brother John. The other big event for this month is on Saturday March 16th. Our Seminarian Support Spaghetti Dinner will be held from 5:30- 8:00 pm in the Warrell Social Hall. Brother Dave Henson has once again prepared a great event to support our Seminarians. If you would like to help please contact Brother Dave Henson. Of course if you are unable to help please come and enjoy a great meal and support our Seminarians. Other Dates to keep in mind: March 5th and March 9th: Claremont Bingo. Please contact Brother John Kahle or Brother Kevin Kayda, if you can help. March 12 at 7:30 is our monthly business meeting in the Bishop Waltershied room in the PAC. March 16th from 8:30-11:00 is our Project Share distribution day. Contact Brother Jim McGarry if you would like to participate. March 26th we will be holding our third Family Rosary in the Marsh Drive Church at 7:30. As we will have just celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation and will be looking at Mary and Her Holy Yes, I would invite all the Dad’s to bring their children and give Mom a night off. Kid friendly refreshments will be provided after the Rosary. In his Lenten message this year Pope Francis says that if, “the Lent of the Son of God ‘was an entry into the desert of creation to make it become again that garden of communion with God” that it was before the original sin, Christians today are invited “to embody the paschal mystery more deeply and concretely in their personal, family and social lives, above all by fasting, prayer and almsgiving.” I wish you all a joyous season of Lent. Vivat Jesus Jay Raines Grand Knight Council 4057
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December 2022
SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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