Worthy Brother Knights,
As part of our Faith in Action Program and an opportunity for Fraternity and Spiritual Reflection this new event kicks off the first of an annual type event for us. I need you to please respond to Paul Fitz-Patrick and RSVP to him no latter than April 1st of your intent to attend. This is a required program by Supreme but more than that it allows us to come together as Brothers in Faith. Details: What: Pilgrimage to the Saint John Paul II National Shrine – In Washington DC When: April 13th, 2019, which is the second Saturday in April Time: Meet in St. Patrick Marsh Drive Parking lot at 6:30 outside the school cafeteria Facts: It is conservatively a three-hour drive to Washington DC. Parking is free. We have a tour scheduled at 10:00, which is about 90 minutes long. Then we will go to noon Mass at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (IC), which is less than a ten-minute walk from the JPII Shrine. Note: When they approved our tour, they said there was a possibility of doing a Stations of the Cross, details to follow. Needs: ____ People who can drive and take multiple others. ____ Decide what we want to do for lunch: (a) eat in the cafeteria at the IC after noon Mass, or (b)- bring lunch and picnic somewhere or any combination of the two) ____ Other: Vivat Jesus
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Council 4057Follow the Carlisle Knights of Columbus as they serve St. Patrick's Church and the Carlisle community. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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